A documentary film described as a crossover of fiction and documentary. The setup is a classroom intermediary for refugees entering Europe, and them, seeking residency into The Netherlands.
From the lessons, the refugees learn about what is involved upon entering Europe, with an esoterical look at Dutch politics, status expectancy, and their welfare state.
The teacher or mediator is a Dutch actor, but the lines are murky as the classroom environment mixes with real refugees, this makes the film feel candid, natural and real.
The interesting thing is if it wasn’t mentioned, the way this documentary is designed s a set-up, I doubt the audience wouldn’t know any difference – as it deals with real situations, and real people.
Constructed as it maybe, it makes for fascinating watch, and also is a learning lesson into refugees and asylum seekers entering into Europe.
So, you could say in some way it is a classroom environment for the audience as well as an engaging piece of visual commentary. The film is separated by a ‘Prologue’, three acts, and an epilogue, or on the other hand you could say five lessons.
You will learn from the teacher in which he tells how it is from the perspective of a European, not necessarily form a xenophobic point of view but as a concerned citizen.
I found Stranger in Paradise a real eye opener about refugees, both on a humane and also from a political viewpoint. A very good watch and one I can highly recommend esoterical.
Doc Edge screens the best international and homegrown documentaries from 10 – 21 May in Wellington, and 24 May – 5 June in Auckland. For more info check out docedge.nz