words Wal Reid
Local musician Tim Allen has the kind of voice that emulates the British vibe of say, The Beatles, Richard Ashcroft or Oasis’s Liam Gallagher. Simple songs that deliver its message straight and true, while pulling no punches. A collection of tunes that demand an audience; plus, he even has the English lilt to go with it. His UK Tour was set to go ahead this year until a little thing called Covid put a halt to that.
Born and raised in Preston, Lancashire in England, Allen has of late kept a healthy profile within the Kiwi music scene. Having minor success in Auckland with his band Stormporter (which he started with Scottish musician Antony ‘Tones’ Thorburn), add to the mantle a few independent E.Ps, then scoring an agent deal with local legend Jan Hellriegel’s Songbroker, It’s quite the story that defies belief. Given what Allen has personally overcome to get to where he is, the songs signal a triumphant victory – gritty, soft edged melodies giving way to his sometimes overtly honest convictions.

Get Out Clause has a Warren Zevon-esque vibe that captures quintessential mood of the album, while songs like the cordial warmth of One Door Closes (One Door Opens) or the self-discovery gem of Different Shore wonderfully outlines the tone for this travelling minstrel. You almost get a sense of Allen’s nomadic soul, reaching its destination after listening to this collection of well honed tunes.
The sophomore collection of songs covers a gamut of honest truths. From the loss of a loved one, Joan Don’t Go, to being diagnosed with ADHD, Won’t Let You Win, Allen bares his soul with the grafting of his Brit-Pop DNA and new found Kiwi mettle. It really does make for a refreshing but well crafted listen.
Add to that, a stellar and punchy production, thanks to Kiwi legend Ben King (Golden Horse), and featuring some of New Zealand’s crème de la crème musicians including Ben King, Milan Borich (Pluto), Toni Randle (Eyreton Hall) and you have a recipe for a well rounded listen.
If you are wondering where to get your fill of local talent, check out The Last Bastion Of A Lad, it’s cheeky, its ponderous and hits all the right places – Something tells me this isn’t the last we’ve heard of the talented singer/songwriter. Check out Tim as he plays the country supporting his album, kicking off next week at Lyttelton’s Wunderbar, all details below.
Tim Allen THE LAST BASTION OF A LAD Tour http://www.facebook.com/events/261986225066640/
The Bastion Of A Lad is now available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music and all good digital sites.