Directed, written by and starring Ricky Gervais, David Brent: Life on the Road sees a documentary crew catching up with David Brent, former star of hit series The Office. Brent is now a rep selling cleaning products up and down the country. The thing is, he has never really given up on his dream of becoming a rock star. In this documentary, we follow him on the road trying to get a record deal – his one last shot at fame. He puts a band together (a group of mercenary session musicians taking his money with absolutely no love for him or his dream) and ropes poor Dom (a rapper who he was meant to be managing) into coming on tour. Let-down after let-down, faux pas after faux pas, Brent never gives up his dream… just his hard earned money and a cashed-in pension to fund the whole folly. With original music by the man himself, David Brent: Life on the Road is exciting, funny, excruciating and just a little sad.
In NZ cinemas August 25.
#BrentsBack #LifeOnTheRoad