Words Glenn Blomfield aka Blomf
Spoiler Alerts: Now straight off the top I need to get this out on the table, I am not the demographic who loves comic book superhero movies, I find films like The Avengers a convoluted mess. Though saying that, I prefer the DC world over Marvel, and Justice League I feel, is a lot better than The Avengers series. What I prefer with DC Superhero movies, is the darker tone, scratching deeper at the surface of the psychology of the characters, forcing stronger drama. This I feel, creates a more foreboding feeling, the characters have struggles more on a personal human touching level; if that is a possible thing with super human strength and super abilities. Hopefully you can see where I am coming from. The most grounded human battling character is Batman, we now see him challenged when standing amongst the Justice League group, he is ironically the most fallible, as he doesn’t have a superpower, but good ol’ pure will power. He is ageing, he takes the hard knocks, but still proves to be a leader.
Director Zack Snyder, has made what I thought was an excellent superhero movie Watchmen (2009), when at the helm, Snyder creates a strong visual world, his stylings are graphically strong and grand, perfect for just a film like Justice League. The film is not all dark in tone as we have seen with the previous outings, eg BATMAN vs SUPERMAN. Justice League allows for humour, and some light on characters that lets them be vulnerable in a more charismatic way. It even may comes across as corny, and there are those moments, but hey, they play out as more fun and entertaining, in the context of the story that defines the film.
So what of the Justice League team? On the script we have Joss Whedon, director and writer behind Marvel’s The Avengers’s first two outings, and the very cool TV series Firefly, and Buffy. Whedon has brought the fallible rogue, and the fun to this film. The characters feel solid, and comes with the traditional episodic way of introducing the characters to each other. Ben Affleck, as husky voiced Batman, knowing ironically he is out of his league. The stoic Amazonian beauty Gal Godot as Wonder Woman, which is proving to be the real key and soul of the team, Aquaman Jason Momoa muscles bulging everywhere, is a presence amongst an already impressive line up, his dry wit and masculine charm shines through. The most dramatic actor and character is Cyborg played by Ray Fisher, also the most CGI enhanced role. With a welcoming comic and joyful character in the League team, we have the Flash played by the efficient youthful Ezra Miller, giving light to what could be perceived as a ‘dark troupe’ of Superheroes.
I am sure when it comes to a comic book movie, like Justice League, I am not writing a review to an audience that knows nothing about the film. I am quite safe in thinking everyone knows the characters and are aware of the comic books. What I am assured of, is that they want to know if it is any good? Plainly put, I think it is. Though there are some issues with the revival, ‘SPOILER ALERT’ of Superman from the dead, it just seemed rushed over, but heck when you have multiple key characters, and action to keep moving on with, I guess it’s what you get with such a film. I do find as with other films of this genre, the main villain or baddie can come across very formula and stereotypical, and in this movie Steppenwolf is no different. Basically he is only a threat to keep the plot moving along. Ok I will stop my niggling judgements here, and just say “I ate the popcorn”, a little salty, but not enough to leave a bad taste.
POP: popular blockbuster film that is loud, bombastic and proud of it. CORN: corny lines of diatribe, and surprisingly tongue in check moments in the narrative, especially as it comes to the finale. In summary: Great fun rewarding popcorn.