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What’s the opposite of romcom? Entourage the movie that’s what

There should be a testerone rating on this film ‘cause there’s lots of it, the guy/toilet humour and innuendos abound in this 1 hour 44 min film that had me sold on the opening scene on the boat somewhere in Ibiza, it was more than I had hope for given the dismal track record of television shows being transformed into movies (Miami Vice, The Equaliser)

I don’t usually do guy bro-coms or whatever the genre is but there is something tangible about the film that brings a gleam to the eye.  HBO’s eight-season comedy series continues with this feature, picking up where the show left off. Foul-mouthed Ari (Jeremy Piven) bankrolls Vince’s (Adrian Grenier) directorial debut, but finds himself with a $15 million budget blow out. Forced to secure further financing, Ari goes cap in hand to a Texas billionaire (Billy Bob Thornton) and his son (Haley Joel Osment) for the cash to save his picture – Of course the crew are back including Lloyd Ari’s gay assistant who provides some of the funnier moments in the film

Its no Mad Max on the action, well some of the scenes with UFC fighter Ronda Rousey might qualify for that space, and it certainly isn’t a classic that generations to come will be talking about but its an easy entertaining and funny film from start to finish.  Grab your popcorn drink and plonk on down, its that easy

This is the sort of movie that will appeal to the inner mere male  inside, that’s not to say it won’t have a broader appeal however if I gauged my thoughts on the comments I heard from female patrons after the movie I think I’m on track, I could be totally wrong ( yep it has happened before).  If The Inbetweeners grew some balls and The Hangover got their shit together as a crew I think this is the movie they’d make

It’s not every day you hear the word “dwarf c**t” and get to see Ronda Rousey (although she’s no actor she perks the film up) but if its a sure fire way to stop staring at your smart phone and just get caught up in it all, if only for a moment

*** 3/5