Words Wal Reid
Director Max Currie’s debut thriller Everything We Loved taps the human psyche, exploring Currie’s fascination of “good people doing bad things”
Charlie (Brett Stewart) & Angela (Step Dave’s Sia Trokenheim) are travelling magicians, right from the word go, we are drawn to the relationship between Charlie & young pre-schooler son Tommy (Ben Clarkeson) it’s imagery all too familiar set against the rural backdrop that could easily be mistaken for anywhere in New Zealand. Trokenheim is notably absent at the beginning of the film but returns after a family tragedy, and underneath the fragile façade we see all is not well, and that’s when things go terribly wrong.
Currie has extracted brilliant performances from his cast notably from Sia Trokenheim, harrowed and broken, at times she borders on brilliant as Charlie’s wife. Brett Stewart’s performance although palatable is solid nonetheless, and his nurturing character as husband/father is central to the story. The marital chemistry between the two is dead-convincing and played to a tee, you really feel like you’re living through their hell as the story unfolds. Five year old Ben Clarkson is sublime as young Tommy, he delivers some exciting performances worthy of older peers, a startling discovery with one feature film under his belt, he’s also the youngest person to feature in a New Zealand movie.
There’s not much not to like about Everything We Loved, it’s a riveting suspenseful watch that draws you in slowly without insulting your intelligence. It’s a thriller a love story, a husband willing to do whatever it takes to bring the family back together and a wife riddled by guilt, drawing the blurred lines between reality and fantasy.
Without giving too much away, it’s a beautifully filmed movie, captivating to watch, a rural NZ Bonnie & Clyde love story that’s a real gem.