Red Leap Theatre presents;
Dust Pilgrim a Tale of Freedom


Directed by Julie Nolan and Kate Parker
From the award winning team that bought you The Arrival comes the highly anticipated new work by Red Leap Theatre; Dust Pilgrim – A Tale of Freedom.
Trapped in a life built on dust and shifting sands a young woman burns her world to the ground in a daring bid for freedom. Inspired by the limitless literary imaginings of the world of magic realism (Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende), Red Leap Theatre return to their hand-made beginnings with an intimate yet epic tale of one woman’s fight for freedom in a world where dreams and premonitions are as real as the wind.

Featuring Alison Bruce, Ella Becroft and Tom Eason, Dust Pilgrim brings together an exciting new team of collaborators including the award winning Thomas Press creating sound.
“…theatre to stir the soul and make the spirit fly” – NZ Listener


Premiere Season
Thursday 4 June – Saturday 13 June, 7.30pm (No Monday show)
Sunday 7 June, 6pm show
Q Theatre, Queen Street, Auckland
Tickets: $15 – $40
Bookings through Q Theatre: or 09 309 9771